Index of consumer confidence

The consumer confidence index is based on the Conference Board of Canada's survey of Canadian households. It measures how optimistic people feel about the economy, their personal finances, job prospects in the short term, and making big purchases. It also looks at their expectations for the next six months. Index, 2014 = 100.

Latest monthly



Year-to-date average



Year-to-date change


  • The average consumer confidence index is 42.3% lower in 2024 than in 2019. (January to November)
  • Confidence bounced back after the pandemic between April 2020 and July 2021.
  • Since 2022, consumer confidence has slowly gone down, hitting a low of 52 in November 2023.
  • In November 2024, confidence went up by 35.9% compared to the year before, showing signs of improvement.
  • When confidence is low, people may travel less, avoid expensive trips, or choose more affordable places to visit.
  • During times of low confidence, more people tend to travel within their own country or nearby instead of taking big trips.

Source: Conference Board of Canada, Monthly Consumer Confidence Index.